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Emergency Rental Assistance
The Erie County Emergency Rental Assistance Program 2 furnishes eligible renters, landlords, and utility providers adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic with rental and utility assistance.
Erie County Care Management on Monday April 22, 2024 is re-opening Emergency Rental Assistance funding to eligible renters, landlords, and utility providers in Erie County PA. As the name implies, the Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP2) furnishes rental and utility assistance to those adversely affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. ERAP 2 was established through the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021.
Who is eligible for rental and/or utility assistance?
Three conditions must be met to be eligible for rental or utility assistance through the ERAP2:
Note that individuals living in subsidized or Section 8 housing can still receive assistance through the ERAP2 so long as those costs are not reimbursed through another program — that is only the non-subsidized portion of rent/utilities can have the relief funds applied.
Who is prioritized for rental and/or utility assistance?
How long do eligible households receive assistance?
Eligible households can receive assistance for up to 18 months total for ERAP 1 and 2 combined, payments can be made to cover arears as well as up to 3 months future rents, pending the household’s risk of experiencing housing instability and the amount of ERAP2 funds still available. Once a household’s arrears have been reduced to the point that they are no longer at immediate risk of eviction, landlords or renters must reapply for assistance every three months, at which time ECCM will reassess the overall financial status of the household.
The Emergency Rental Assistance Program has been given a federal funding cutoff date of Sept. 30, 2025. However, ECCM expects its current funding to last no later than October of this year.
Register for the ERAP2 with ECCM
If you’re struggling to pay the rent and utilities and your overall housing stability is in question, please do not hesitate to apply to the Erie County Emergency Rental Assistance Program 2 (instructions and items needed for application included in link). Interested parties can apply online through the link below. If you need assistance call 814-923-5512 or email
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